Inspire fundraisers
Join us for an event that delves into the challenges of inspiring, engaging, and involving the individuals who interact with our donors.
Six 30-minute sessions including live Q&As.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024

10:00–13:00 CET

Session recordings available on demand after the live event
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Event Topic

By exploring various dialogue fundraising techniques, we aim to optimize conversations and ensure meaningful connections with donors.

Through insightful talks and real-life examples, we will discover strategies to maximize the quality of interactions, recruit and motivate the best fundraisers, and foster long-term relationships.

This event is relevant for charities with both in-house and outsourced teams.

Join us to learn how to have the best conversations in fundraising and achieve impactful results.

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Call for Speakers

Do you want to join us as a speaker at the Telephone Tuesday events?

Do you have an interesting case to share, a novel approach to dialogues with donors – or a groundbreaking reflection that will enrich your fellow fundraisers – please fill out the following form.

Telemarketing Tuesday is a virtual event, sharing new ideas, best practices and inspiring case studies. 

We will help you produce a pre-recorded speaker session of 10–15 minutes, which will be followed up by live Q&A sessions for the viewers to connect and reflect with you on the topic. 

We will be paying our speakers for their time, to give everybody the opportunity to join – this also shows that we appreciate your time.

Call for Speakers

Book your ticket

Single ticket image


EUR 125
Access to a single event for one person
Session recordings available online
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Telephone fundraising celebrates the art of talking with your donors instead of about them.

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Holger Menze

Spenden Manufaktur GmbH
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We as a sector dont have the investments that other sectors have, but we have the desire to share and grow – this is one of our competitive advantages.

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Jacob Møllemose

Impact Talks
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